550x150 whats new

Riley Blake Designs®  ‘Just Dreamy’ pattern is finally here!
550x250 3 mme kit

This is a case of crossing over, yes, a scrapbook designing company, My Mind’s Eye (MME) crossing over to the quilting industry making textiles, which is great for everyone.  I know, this is just crazy, when I first saw Riley’s patterns I was drulling over them, it’s been a few months since then, and now they are finally here, you will be able to choose from a complete kit, blankets only, bibs and burps too.  Most of the patterns were made in cotton rather than flannel, so, if you see a bunch of My Mind’s Eye (MME) patterns at your local quilt shop, remember, the flannel selection is limited.  Since this is a designer’s pattern the price of course is higher, remember, the designer has to make a royalty, so prices are higher.  The flannel quality is also better, hence, instead of being mid-weight flannel, we have labeled it heavy-weight, a bit thicker than our regular flannels. 

We hope you will love ‘Just Dreamy’ as much as we do, we have added the skus to our shopping cart, however, they will not be shipped until after June 15th.  Remember, if you are planning on using your 40% off coupon, the discount will not be taken out at the time of check out, I know, our shopping cart is not set up to discount only one item, so we have to manually apply the discount here before your order is shipped.  The good news is you can use your discount on this new item.  Cheers!


If you’re wondering what type of edging to use to decorate your blankets and bibs, take a look at these ideas!

For the Shell Edging Instructions, click here.  For the Backstep Edging Instructions, click here.  For the Princess Edging Instructions, click here.
For more patterns check Ammee’s Idea Books.